Monday, February 4, 2008

February Fun!

I can't believe it's February already! We have had some crazy weather around here. First all the snow melted and then we've gotten tons of snow. My friends who are teachers are saying that they've used up all their snow days for the year and are looking at lengthening the school days or going extra days to make up for the time they missed. Makes me glad that we don't have to deal with all that. We've just been staying home a lot. We get a little cabin fever, but we are safe and warm and that's what matters.

Ian is growing and changing by leaps and bounds. He is 18 months old today. We went to his check-up and he weighs 25 pounds! Hard to believe that this is the same kid that we were so worried about not growing.

His new favorite activity is climbing the furniture. I've had to pluck him off the top of the loveseat more than I'd like to admit. Luckily he hasn't fallen off the top yet. He's fallen off the seat part a few times though.

He also likes hats now. Which is good sense he hated them with a passion before. I found this hat in his closet the other day. Nana made it for him usingthe smallest pattern and it is still a little big on him. If I roll it up a bit, it fits though.
Alison decided she wanted to learn about China. She picked a movie at the library and it happened to be an intro to Mandarin Chinese. It got her curious about China. Right now we are waiting for lots of books and movies to come in at the library. We did go to a tiny oriental market. The lady that owns it was really nice. She is Vietnamese though so her store of course she had lots of Vietnamese things. We did buy some odd little cookies. We didn't get pictures of those yet. But they were yummy and Alison actually ate something new! Chinese New Year is Thursday so we are going to make some sort of Chinese food that hopefully she will eat. I figure we can't go wrong with noodles and she likes some veggies. So maybe a nice stirfry. I'll try to update Friday and let you all know how it turned out.


Frogs Mom said...

Do you think she'd eat fried rice? It's my new favorite, easy to make dish. :)

Jennifer said...

It's a good idea, but she won't eat rice. Her "food list" as she calls it, is very short. I was happy to have her try cookies from another country.