Alison was really excited yesterday to see that the flower bulbs we planted together last fall are not only coming up, but flowering. They are called Greecian Windflowers and they are the prettiest shade of purple (which just so happens to be one of her favorite colors). We also found some tiny columbines that self-seeded in the yard. Luckily Alison got some gardening tools for Easter so I think we'll move those to the flower bed so they don't get mowed. I think we might start some seeds this week too. It's always a fun spring project.
Remember how I talked about school being a part of life? Yesterday, before 9am Alison was already up and experimenting. She was measuring everything. We talked about how inches are different than centimeters. She learned that her arm from elbow to wrist is 6 inches, mine is 9 inches and Ian's is 4 inches. We couldn't believe that our arms were so close in size.
Well, I thought we were going outside yesterday. Turns out there was a chilly wind that made it just a bit too cold to take Ian out. Alison decided to put on a play in her bedroom.
Today Ian is moving to the big kid car seat. He was really ready to move 2 weeks ago, but with all the snow, it was easier to keep him in the baby seat where he was more protected. He still has to ride backwards, but now he's got a big comfy seat to do it in. It's kind of sad that he's not my tiny baby anymore. But it's getting really hard (and heavy) to cary him in the carseat.
So no outdoor play pics and pics of Alison and her flowers yet. Today it's warmer but rainy. We'll get outside though. Maybe Friday, it's supposed to be the warmest day this week (at least last time I checked the weather.)
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