Thursday, September 13, 2007

Times Keep Flying By!

We have been so busy! School is going great. We are still learning about weather. We installed a rain gauge on the deck railing the other day and it very nicely rained for us so we could try it out. Works like a charm! Alison was excited to run out and check it after the rain stopped. We got 9mm of rain.

Last Saturday we went to a little festival called Art in the Road, Feet in the Street. It was to introduce people to an art center in Montague. They closed off the road in front of their building for chalk art and later they were supposed to have live music and a street dance. Alison decided to skip the drawing contest and just do her drawing in the road.

When she was done with her drawing, she helped color in the huge street scape that the art center director had drawn in the road.

Today we went back to the petting farm. The weather was sunny and warm, probably one of the last perfect days. It's such an idyllic place to just be. The kids love it. They can run and play and explore. It is peaceful and quiet, except for an occasional braying donkey or loud camel. Alison has been pretty obsessed with the pony named Bee and her baby named Tee-tee. The animals are all sweet and gentle, used to being hand fed and touched.

Alison touched the ponies today. I was so proud of her. It is such a difference from when she would get scared and I'd have to carry her past the animals. She still is scared of the other animals, but the ponies are her friends.

It's neat to watch that her being by the ponies inspired Ian too. He touched them a couple times, very quickly, but he did it. And after watching Alison picking grass and hay to feed them he even started picking up pieces of hay. He just wouldn't let go when they tried to eat it from his hand.
Ian also crawled all over in the grass. Just a few weeks ago, he wouldn't stay on the ground for more than a few seconds, today he loved playing and exploring.
He also tried out the wooden truck. He waved at all the cars driving by on the road. He's just too quick and I couldn't catch it.

1 comment:

Gregg, Mandi, Lucie, Griffin, Drew and Caleb said...

sounds like a great day! Ian is so grown up driving that truck!