We are smack in the middle of planning a huge double birthday party for next weekend. Ian turns one on Saturday the 4th. So it was easy to decide when to have his party. But, Alison was starting to get jealous that Ian's party would be before hers. We tried to explain 100 different ways why it was ok that his party was first. But, it just didn't matter to her. It seemed sooo unfair that he would be first. Plus, Alison was having a horrible time deciding on a party theme. This is highly unusual for her. Every year she knows exactly what kind of party she wants at least 6 months in advance. It was getting very frustrating for me because she was changing her mind 20 times a day, sometimes 20 times an hour. Seriously.
Finally we came up with the idea to have her party the same day as Ian's. It solved our first problem of her being jealous of his party being first. Besides, we already knew that Dan had the day off. Then we started talking about what kind of party to have. We looked through several back issues of Family Fun Magazine and saw one party that had a camping theme. Soon we were talking about what we could do for a camping party. (Yes, I'm surprised too. It wasn't princesses or Barbie or anything that I expected.) Before I knew it, Alison had drawn a picture for her invitations. I wrote up what I thought was a good invitation, but when I read it to her, it wasn't quite what she wanted. So she dictated what her invitation should say and I wrote it down for her. She decided exactly what she wanted for the party favors and even came up with a game on her own (pin the flame on the fire) and an
activity that she saw in the magazine. I came up with a couple other activities too. It wouldn't surprise me at all if she was a party planner some day. She's good at it. We still haven't quite decided on what type of cake yet. Although she did draw up a plan the other day. However, it was really too complicated, so we have some revising to do.
Between Wednesday and Thursday we got everything bought for the parties except the food. We need to precut and prepare some of the supplies for the activities to make them easier to do at the party. That part is more fun than work though. I know the next week will fly by, so I'm trying to get everything done now so I won't be stressed out this week.
If I don't add another post this week, I'll definately do one after the party with lots of pictures. For those of you who are coming, we can't wait to see you! For those of you who can't, we miss you and wish you could be here!