Thursday, July 19, 2007

More teeth and other fun stuff!

Ian just hasn't been himself the past few days. He'll randomly start to shriek and cry and then, before we know it, he's himself again. Upon closer inspection, I found that he is getting 3 new teeth at once!!! Poor little guy. The unusual thing is that it looks like he's got a canine tooth popping through (I can feel the sharp edge. I just can't get him to stay still long enough to see if it's exactly that tooth or not.) He also has the tell-tale white line and bump for his first top front tooth and a smaller bump next to it for the 2nd top front tooth. I was joking with some friends yesterday that if they keep coming in like this, he's going to look like a gap-toothed hockey player!

Alison's cucumber plants are getting big and they have tons of blooms on them. We hope to be eating fresh picked cucumbers soon. I read a book a while ago called Square Foot Gardening. In it the author says that you can grow vines on trellisses to help maximize planting space.

So we are experimenting with growing cucumbers in a tomato cage in a pot. We may need to add a 2nd tomato cage soon. It's hard to believe that these little plants barely touched the bottom rung of the cage just a few weeks ago. (Sorry the picture is sideways, I can't figure out how to turn it.)

I just had to share this picture too. Ian's hair is always a little spikey, but in the tub with wet hair, he's a wild child. Plus, I love the way he sticks his little tongue out when he's happy!


Gregg, Mandi, Lucie, Griffin, Drew and Caleb said...

Great job Alison! You'll be eating yummy cucumbers soon!

Love the spikey hair, Ian :)

Frogs Mom said...

What a cute picture of Ian!