Alison was born. I was in shock, she was 5 weeks early. Thankfully other than being tiny (only 5 pounds) she was perfectly healthy. Now she is such a big girl. It's amazing!
Plus she is going to the movies and out for dinner with grandma and grandpa. So much for us worrying that she'd be disappointed by having her party a week early.
She woke up today positively vibrating with excitement. Dan got her some really cool outdoor gear, rope, carabiner, compass and hot pink water bottle. Ian got her a new 100 piece Strawberry Shortcake puzzle. I got her the Fairytopia Rainbow Barbie that she wanted. It comes with a dvd game that the doll controls. She's excited about all of it.
It's Ian's nap time and I put him in his bed about an hour ago. I had heard him in there playing for awhile, then it got quiet so I went to check on him. Poor baby must have fallen asleep sitting up because now he is folded in half on his own lap. Guess that's one of the hazards of falling asleep on your own. I don't dare try to move him for fear of waking him up, so I hope that if he gets too uncomfortable he'll wiggle himself into a better position. Well, I think he got too uncomfortable, he woke up just a few minutes after I started writing about him.
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