Monday, May 21, 2007

Persistent Little Guy

Now that Ian is crawling all over, he desperately wants into the kitchen. I think he's just too little to be out there and I don't want him to sneak up on me while I'm cooking. I'm just paranoid I know. So anyway, I set up a simple barricade using our library basket, the bouncy seat, some boxes. Nothing pretty, just a visual deterrant while I was thinking of something better. Well Ian thinks this is a great challenge. Especially since everybody else can go into the kitchen.

So earlier today, Dan was making some lunch before work. I was in the dining room and I looked down and saw Ian trying to climb over the basket of books. I quickly snapped this before he noticed.

After he realized he'd been caught, he thought he was pretty sly. Later on he tried to crawl over one of the boxes.
Dan says he's like the velociraptors checking the fences in Jurassic Park.

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